Select Publications

. . . the disaster exemplifies a bigger problem, one that will still loom once we have answers about what went wrong in Surfside: The untrained, unpaid and unsupervised volunteer directors of the nation’s more than 350,000 condo and homeowners’ associations, armed with limited financial resources, are expected to deal with the unprecedented infrastructure challenges that climate change poses to their communities. And there is no reason to believe that they are up to that task.
— McKenzie, Evan. 2021. “Climate change could cost condo boards billions. They aren’t ready for it.” The Washington Post. July 2, 2021.

McKenzie, Evan. 2023. “Lori Lightfoot’s Mayoralty: A Divided Council Begets Chicago’s New Factionalism Chicago City Council Report #14.” University of Illinois at Chicago. September 25, 2023.

McKenzie, Evan. 2023. “Net Zero and Condominiums: Emerging US Policies and Practices.” Housing After Grenfell. March 13, 2023.

McKenzie, Evan. 2021. “Climate change could cost condo boards billions. They aren’t ready for it.” The Washington Post. July 2, 2021.

McKenzie, Evan. 2015. “Rethinking residential private government in the US: Recent trends in practices and policy.” Conference on Private Communities and Urban Governance: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute, Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya, Israel. June 14-15, 2015.

McKenzie, Evan. 2014. “What is the Relationship Between the Rise of Private Communities and Increasing Socioeconomic Stratification?” Conference on Land and the City, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, MA, June 2-3.

McKenzie, Evan. 2012.  “Urban Segregation and Enclaves,” in Karen Mossberger, Susan E. Clark, and Peter John (eds.)  The Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 350-365.

McKenzie, Evan.  2006. Emerging trends in state regulation of private communities in the U.S. Geojournal Vol 6 nos 1-2, pp. 89-102

McKenzie, Evan. 2005. “Planning Through Residential Clubs: Homeowners’ Associations.” Economic Affairs, 25(4): 28-31.

McKenzie, Evan. 2005. Constructing the Pomerium in Las Vegas: A case study of emerging trends in American gated communities. Housing Studies, 20 (2): 187-203.

McKenzie, Evan. 2003. Common Interest Housing in the Communities of Tomorrow. Housing Policy Debate, 14 (1-2): 203-234

McKenzie, Evan. 2002. ”Privatopia: Der Erfolg von ‘Gated Communities’ Symbolisiert die Transformation der Gesellschaft: Privilegierte Kinken Sich Aus.” GDI-Impuls 2.02 pp. 54-60. Summer.

McKenzie, Evan. 1998. “Reinventing Common Interest Developments: Reflections on a Policy Role for the Judiciary,” John Marshall Law Review, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 397-427. Winter.

McKenzie, Evan. 1998.“Homeowner Associations and California Politics: An Exploratory Analysis,” Urban Affairs Review, September 1998.